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Online bus booking system

With its comprehensive list of bus routes and schedules, travellers in Africa can search, compare and book a bus from the comfort of their homes. The DreamAccess team believes traveling is not just a journey or a tour, it is a tale and would like to assist people in sharing their story.

Booking Management

Book bus tickets to your desired destination.

Experience the convenience and satisfaction of a user-friendly website.

Get a range of bus options from different operators.

Send & Receive package

DreamAccess bus partners offer businesses and individuals a wide range of services in the field of express delivery of documents and parcels.

Through our delivery tracking platform, DreamAccess partners, lets you know in real time the routing status of the freight you have entrusted to us until it reaches its destination.

Our business parcel service is secure in all its stages (tracking, identification ...).

Free Delivery

For all national order over EUR 600

3 Days Return

If goods have Problem

Secure Payment

100% secure payment

24/7 Support

Dedicated support